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Free University of New Mexico Courses online

Collection of free online courses and MOOCs offered by University of New Mexico







Web Application Development: Basic Concepts

This is the first course in a Coursera Specialization track involving Web Application Architectures.

47 reviews

19 h


International Business

We live in a world of intensifying global relationships, one in which international business has become the key determinant of economic development and prosperity.

1K reviews

8 h


International Business II

This course, Introduction to the Global Business Environment II, focuses on managing organizations in the international economy.

68 reviews

7 h


Curanderismo: Traditional Healing Using Plants

As one of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on the use of plants in traditional healing.

7 reviews

16 h


Entrepreneurial Strategic Management

This course utilizes an inquiry based approach to understanding sources of competitive advantages in companies and other organizations.

64 reviews

8 h


Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Mind, Energy & Spirit

As the third of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on traditional healing of mind, energy and spirit.

6 reviews

18 h


Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Body

As the second of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on traditional healing of the body.

5 reviews

14 h


Curanderismo: Global & Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing

Learn Curanderismo: Global & Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing from University of New Mexico.

11 reviews

14 h


Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web: Conceptos Básicos

Este es el primer curso en una línea de especialización de Coursera que trata el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web.

103 reviews

19 h


Negocios Internacionales I

Vivimos en un mundo cada vez mas globalizado, en el cual el éxito en los negocios internacionales se ha convertido en el factor determinante del desarrollo económico y la prosperidad.

71 reviews

7 h


Administración Estratégica y Emprendedora

Este curso utiliza un enfoque basado en la investigación para entender las fuentes de las ventajas competitivas en las compañias y otras organizaciones.

581 reviews

8 h


Negocios Internacionales II

Vivimos en un mundo cada vez mas globalizado, en el cual el éxito en los negocios internacionales se ha convertido en el factor determinante del desarrollo económico y la prosperidad.

231 reviews

7 h

Details about University of New Mexico free courses and classes online

Looking for free online courses from university of new mexico ? This is the list of free university of new mexico courses and MOOCs available online. From this list, you can take any of online course teach by the faculty of the university of new mexico.

university of new mexico is providing free online classes and free MOOCs courses online for everyone. Select free courses based on your field of study.

Collection of free University of New Mexico Courses and MOOCs online

These free university of new mexico courses are collected from online MOOCs education providers such as Coursera, Edx, Udacity, YouTube and more. Find the free university of new mexico courses and get free training and practical knowledge.

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university of new mexico courses are categorized in the free, discount offers, free trials based on their availability on their original platforms Coursera, Edx, Udacity and others Moocs providers. The university of new mexico courses list is updated at regular interval to maintain latest status.

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