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Free University of Colorado Boulder Courses online

Collection of free online courses and MOOCs offered by University of Colorado Boulder







Business Writing

Writing well is one of the most important skills you can develop to be successful in the business world.

3.7K reviews

13 h


Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome

Learn Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome from University of Colorado Boulder, University of California San Diego.

1.1K reviews

14 h


Introduction to Data Analytics for Business

This course will expose you to the data analytics practices executed in the business world.

162 reviews

11 h


Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 1

"Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving, Part 1" is aimed at learners who are seeking to augment, expand, optimize, and increase the efficiency of their Excel spreadsheet skills by tapping into the powerful programming, automation.

1K reviews

17 h


Graphic Design

Welcome to Graphic Design, the second course in the Effective Communications Specialization.

179 reviews

29 h


Motors and Motor Control Circuits

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5341, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.

1.4K reviews

36 h


Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture

Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture is a first dive into understanding embedded architectures and writing software to manipulate this hardware.

494 reviews

4 h


Successful Presentation

Few kinds of communication can have the effect of a powerful presentation.

16 reviews

20 h


Industrial IoT Markets and Security

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5385, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.

481 reviews

21 h


Everyday Excel

Everyday Excel, Part 1" is aimed at learners who are seeking to learn Excel from the ground up.

42 reviews

24 h


Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors

"Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors" can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5342, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.

236 reviews

23 h


Predictive Modeling and Analytics

Welcome to the second course in the Data Analytics for Business specialization!

(*)(*)(*)(*)( )3.7
31 reviews

12 h


Sensor Manufacturing and Process Control

"Sensor Manufacturing and Process Control" can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5343, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.

267 reviews

55 h


Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving,

"Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving" builds off of knowledge and skills obtained in "Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving.

731 reviews

19 h


Business Analytics for Decision Making

In this course you will learn how to create models for decision making.

266 reviews

11 h

Details about University of Colorado Boulder free courses and classes online

Looking for free online courses from university of colorado boulder ? This is the list of free university of colorado boulder courses and MOOCs available online. From this list, you can take any of online course teach by the faculty of the university of colorado boulder.

university of colorado boulder is providing free online classes and free MOOCs courses online for everyone. Select free courses based on your field of study.

Collection of free University of Colorado Boulder Courses and MOOCs online

These free university of colorado boulder courses are collected from online MOOCs education providers such as Coursera, Edx, Udacity, YouTube and more. Find the free university of colorado boulder courses and get free training and practical knowledge.

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university of colorado boulder courses are categorized in the free, discount offers, free trials based on their availability on their original platforms Coursera, Edx, Udacity and others Moocs providers. The university of colorado boulder courses list is updated at regular interval to maintain latest status.

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