COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2, including the infectious period, COVID-19 clinical presentation, and evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person to person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention.

7 h

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page?

40 h

A Crash Course in Data Science
This is a focused course that will quickly bring you up to speed in the field of data science. Our goal was to make this as easy for you as possible while not sacrificing any essential content. We've left out the technical details so you can focus on managing and moving your team forward.

7 h

Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS
Join this course to gain skills in one of the most popular Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks today, AngularJS

50 h

Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing
This course aims to provide managers and developers of contact tracing programmes with guidance on the most important indicators of programme performance, as well as a tool for projecting the likely impact of improvements in specific indicators.

4 h

Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis from Johns Hopkins University. We will introduce methods to perform systematic reviews and meta-analysis of clinical trials. We will cover how to formulate an answerable research question, ...

14 h

Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp
This class presents the fundamental probability and statistical concepts used in elementary data analysis.

13 h

Introduction to Genomic Technologies
This course introduces you to the basic biology of modern genomics and the experimental tools that we use to measure it.

6 h

Managing Data Analysis
Learn Managing Data Analysis from Johns Hopkins University. This one-week course describes the process of analyzing data and how to manage that process.

6 h

The R Programming Environment
This course provides a rigorous introduction to the R programming language, with a particular focus on using R for software development in a data science setting.

27 h

Systems Thinking In Public Health
This course provides an introduction to systems thinking and systems models in public health.

13 h

Data and Health Indicators in Public Health Practice
Epidemiology is often described as the cornerstone science in public health.

6 h

Python for Genomic Data Science
This class provides an introduction to the Python programming language and the iPython notebook.

9 h

The Unix Workbench
You’ll also learn how to write little pieces of software in a programming language called Bash, which allows you to connect together the tools we’ll discuss.

19 h
Details about Johns Hopkins University (jhu) free courses and classes online
Looking for free online courses from johns hopkins university (jhu) ? This is the list of free johns hopkins university (jhu) courses and MOOCs available online. From this list, you can take any of online course teach by the faculty of the johns hopkins university (jhu).
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Collection of free Johns Hopkins University (jhu) Courses and MOOCs online
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johns hopkins university (jhu) courses are categorized in the free, discount offers, free trials based on their availability on their original platforms Coursera, Edx, Udacity and others Moocs providers. The johns hopkins university (jhu) courses list is updated at regular interval to maintain latest status.
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