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Free Stanford University Courses online

Collection of free online courses and MOOCs offered by Stanford University







Machine Learning

Popular course

Machine Learning from Stanford University. Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.9
23.5K reviews

60 h


Writing in the Sciences

Using real examples and exercises, this course teaches scientists how to write more effectively.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.9
10K reviews

30 h

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.8
4.3K reviews

23 h


Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms

The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: asymptotic ("Big-oh") notation, sorting and searching, divide and conquer.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.8
5.2K reviews

17 h


International Women's Health and Human Rights

Learn International Women's Health and Human Rights from Stanford University.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.9
1.6K reviews

58 h


COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers

The course is self-paced, so providers can fit their learning around their schedules. Topics covered include symptoms and signs in COVID-19 patients, early patient stabilisation, avoiding the need for intubation, and ventilator management.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.9
6.3K reviews

8 h


Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures

Learn Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures from Stanford University. The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: data structures (heaps, balanced search trees, hash tables, bloom filters), graph primitives .

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.8
2K reviews

15 h


Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming

Learn Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming from Stanford University.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.8
1.3K reviews

15 h


Stories of Infection

Learn Stories of Infection from Stanford University.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.9
1.8K reviews

12 h


Shortest Paths Revisited, NP-Complete Problems and What To Do About Them

The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: shortest paths (Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, Johnson).

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.8
807 reviews

14 h


Supporting Parents of a Newborn Baby

In this course, you will learn some core components in supporting parents of newborn babies.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.9
183 reviews

Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers 2

This course covers key topics in the use of quantum mechanics in many modern applications in science and technology

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.7
12 reviews

76 h


AI in Healthcare Capstone

This capstone project takes you on a guided tour of all the concepts we've covered so far in the various classes. We designed this experience around the journey of a patient who develops some respiratory symptoms and seeks care with a primary care provider due to concerns about COVID19.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.7
99 reviews

11 h


Mathematics Teaching Ideas for the Common Core

In this course, Professor Jo Boaler will translate recent research on the brain and arithmetic learning into strategies for helping math students succeed and enjoy math. Learn effective new teaching approaches that you may implement with your kids right immediately.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 5
27 reviews

49 m

Details about Stanford University free courses and classes online

Looking for free online courses from stanford university ? This is the list of free stanford university courses and MOOCs available online. From this list, you can take any of online course teach by the faculty of the stanford university.

stanford university is providing free online classes and free MOOCs courses online for everyone. Select free courses based on your field of study.

Collection of free Stanford University Courses and MOOCs online

These free stanford university courses are collected from online MOOCs education providers such as Coursera, Edx, Udacity, YouTube and more. Find the free stanford university courses and get free training and practical knowledge.

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stanford university courses are categorized in the free, discount offers, free trials based on their availability on their original platforms Coursera, Edx, Udacity and others Moocs providers. The stanford university courses list is updated at regular interval to maintain latest status.

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