The Economics of Agro-Food Value Chains
Have a look at our trailer for a brief introduction to this course: https://youtu.be/GADAgxTHjgE

44 h

The Basics of Trauma Surgery
This course imparts a wide range of basic knowledge and skills in the field of trauma surgical and orthopedic treatment of patients.

12 h

Six Sigma: Analyze, Improve, Control
Learn how to statistically analyze process data to determine the root cause and propose solutions for process problems, to implement quality management tools, such as 8D and the 5 Whys, and to understand the concept of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS).

31 h

Introduction to Land Management
Gain insights into the complex nature of land management and learn about terms, tasks and challenges related to our land.

18 h

Academic Writing Made Easy
Struggling with writing an academic text? This MOOC will ease the pain – and make your writing shine.

12 h

Software Engineering Essentials
Learn agile methods, object-oriented programing and best practices for analysis, design, testing and management in software engineering.

48 h

Six Sigma: Define and Measure
An introduction to the Six Sigma methodology and the DMAIC cycle for process improvement with a focus on the Define and Measure phases, including basic statistics for understanding sampling plans and calculating process capability.

29 h

Lean Production
Learn how to apply key elements of Lean Production, from minimizing inventory and reducing setup times, to using 5S and Kaizen, in order to improve quality and productivity in your workplace.

23 h

Grundlagen der Unfallchirurgie
Dieser Kurs vermittelt ein weites Feld an Grundlagen und Fertigkeiten im Bereich der unfallchirurgischen und orthopädischen Traumaversorgung.

12 h

Lernen objekt-orientierter Programmierung
Leicht zugänglicher Einstieg in die faszinierende Welt der Informatik und die Programmierung mit Java.

24 h
Earn a TUM Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certificate
Professional Certificate in Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt: Quantitative Tools for Quality and Productivity
Professional Certificate in Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Earn a TUM Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt: Quantitative Tools for Quality and Productivity Professional Certificate
Master Six Sigma and Lean fundamentals to improve productivity and quality in your organization and earn a TUM Lean and Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification.

84 h
Details about Technische Universität München (tu muenchen) free courses and classes online
Looking for free online courses from technische universität münchen (tu muenchen) ? This is the list of free technische universität münchen (tu muenchen) courses and MOOCs available online. From this list, you can take any of online course teach by the faculty of the technische universität münchen (tu muenchen).
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Collection of free Technische Universität München (tu muenchen) Courses and MOOCs online
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