In this course, you will learn:-
- Vectr, a free cross-platform vector graphics editing tool, allows you to create a free account.
- Understand the fundamentals of graphic design theory.
- Use Vectr's dashboard and settings to get around.
- In Vectr, you may work with layers and pages with confidence.
- Image, text, and curving pathways can all be created and edited.
- Filters, backdrops, and shadows can all be used and manipulated.
Welcome to Vectr Course: Beginner's Guide
Vectr Graphics Editor Overview
Graphic Design Core Concepts
Creating An Account With Vectr
Dashboard Navigation
Vectr Editor Introduction
Work Canvas: Pages And Layers
Selecting, Resizing And Rotating Designs
Workspace Tools: Flip Tools, Geometry Tools, Forward/Backward
Editing Paths
Editing Images
Editing Text
Rounding Corners
Grouping Layers
Using Filters
Adding Backgrounds
Borders And Shadows
Exporting Options
Social And Direct URL Sharing In Vectr