In this course, you will learn :
- Analysis of Social Networks Using R teaches analysts how to use the text-based statistical language R to visualise and analyse data from social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.
- how to use the R sna and igraph modules, as well as how to format data for analysis, create graphs, analyse network graphs, and visualise networks
- Discover information about how individuals in an organisation interact by learning how to examine the relationships and trends among networks in novel and exciting ways.
Syllabus :
1. Creating Network Graphs
- Format data for social network analysis
- Create a graph from existing data
- Create sample graphs
2. Analyzing Network Graphs
- Measure connectedness of points
- Measure betweenness of points
- Calculate network density
- Identify cliques in a graph
- Find components of a graph
- Take a random walk on a graph
3. Visualizing a Network
- Visualize a network
- Change edge and vertex colors
- Write out a graph