In this course, you will :
- In these simple drawing tutorials from comic creator Ben Bishop, you'll learn how to draw comic book characters with distinct personalities.
- The process begins with a rough sketch of your character and the creation of a profile that defines the person behind the drawing: who they are, where they came from, and how they got their powers.
- demonstrates how to incorporate those characteristics into the character's facial features: eyes, nose, mouth, and distinguishing marks like wrinkles, scars, and tattoos.
- members get a sense of what kinds of details give a sinister impression vs. a trustworthy impression by switching back and forth between good and evil characters
- It also demonstrates how to use clothing and props to help tell the character's story.
Syllabus :
1. Getting Started
- Everything is shapes: Establishing proper proportions
- Choosing your lines
2. Thinking Out Loud
- Building a character profile
- Research and reference
3. Creating the Face
- Roughing out the faces
- Shaping the personality
- Eye options
- Eye expressions
- Nose and mouth options
- Fine-tuning the character's details
4. Developing Body Types
- Various builds for character development
- Exaggerating details to communicate personality
5. Dressing for Success
- Clothing the hero
- Clothing the villain
- Developing props and gadgets
- Does the prop need a story?
6. Finishing Touches
- Exploring different poses
- Changes and improvements
7. Finalizing the Characters
- Inking the bad guy's face
- Inking the bad guy's costume
- Inking the bad guy's body
- Inking the bad guy's staff and adding line weight
- Inking the good guy's face
- Inking the good guy's costume
- Inking the good guy's accessories and adding line weight