In this course, you will :
- Python will be used by the students for real-world scientific/engineering applications.
- Python libraries will be taught to the students.
- Python Multithreading will be taught to the students.
- Machine learning in Python will be taught to the students.
- The students will learn how to manipulate images and videos in Python.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction
- Why Python?
- What is IPython?
- Exercise: IPython
2. Create a Word Counter in Python
- Reading and Printing a File
- Counting Words from a File
- Counting Number of Lines in a File
- for Loop in Python
- Count the Number of Exact Lines
- Functions in Python
- How to Call Python Files?
3. An Introduction to NumPy and Matplotlib
- List Comprehensions
- Plotting Sin and Cos Waves
- Plotting Salary vs. Names
4. Python pandas
- Plotting with pandas
- Plotting with pandas According to Age
- Plotting Age of Children Compare to Adults
- Movie Lens
- Reading The Data and Getting Top Rated movies
- Printing Top Rated Movies by Viewer Age
- Getting Ratings by Gender
- Comparing Ratings by Gender and Plotting Them
5. Audio Processing
- Create a Sine Wave
- Calculate the Frequency of a Sine Wave
- Plotting a Noisy Sine Wave
- Cleaning a Noisy Sine Wave
6. Image and Video Processing
- Displaying an Image
- Blurring and Grayscaling and Image
- Edge Detection
- Counting Objects
- Face Detection
- Working with Scale Factor
- Face Detection in Video
- Motion Detection
7. MultiThreading vs. Multiprocessing in Python
- Threads vs. Processes on Linux
8. Machine Learning with an Amazon-like Recommendation Engine
- What is a Recommendation Engine?
- Finding Correlation Between the Movie Ratings
- Building the Recommendation Engine