In this course, you will learn :
- An understanding of Docker and its components
- A working knowledge of containers, images, and Dockerfile
- Familiarity with Kubernetes and its features
- An understanding of Kubernetes Cluster along with the nodes
- The ability to work with Azure Interfaces, both graphical and command-line
- Hands-on experience in setting up Kubernetes cluster on Azure cloud
Syllabus :
1. Docker
- Introduction to Docker
- What is Docker?
- ImagesContainers
- Quiz on Docker Containers and Images
- Docker ComposeDocker Volumes
- Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
- Quiz on Docker Volumes and Docker Swarm
- Docker Assessment
2. Kubernetes
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- Features of Kubernetes
- Basic Architecture of Kubernetes
- Controller Manager
- Quiz on Basics of Kubernetes
- How Kubernetes Works
- Pod Deployment
- Deployment in Kubernetes
- Working with Deployments
3. Azure Kubernetes Services
- Introduction to Azure Cloud
- AzureAzure CLI
- Service Principal
- Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service
4. Deploy an Application on AKS
- AKS Cluster
- Quiz on Azure Kubernetes Service
- Create an AKS Cluster
- Deploying an Application
- Networks in Kubernetes
- Enable Network Access to the Application
5. Application Management using Helm
- What is Helm?
- How Helm Processes a Chart
- Working with Helm Charts