In this course, you will learn:
- How to put Phaser to work: creating a multistate game that can be played on both desktop browsers and mobile devices.
- A new game project with the Brackets code editor, create a basic preloader and menu states, and then start building game entities and layering in functionality with Phaser's sprites, groups, animations, tweens, emitters, and physics.
- Introduction
- What you should know before watching this course
- The final product
- Using the exercise files
1. Setting Up Phaser
- Downloading the Phaser framework
- Choosing a code editor
- Image assets
- Preparing fonts
- Music and sound effects
2. Configuring Loaders and States
- Creating your Phaser project
- Bootloader setup
- Building the preloader
- Building the menu state
- Setting up the game state
3. Populating the World
- Building the world
- Generating bunnies
- Bunny movement
- Spawning enemies
- Dealing with offscreen entities
4. Functionality
- Particles and emitters
- Handling emitter collisions
- Group-versus-group collisions
- Friendly fire
- Bunny death
5. Wrapping Things Up
- Detecting game-over
- Adding countdown text
- Adding "Game Over" text
- Adding sound effects
- Preparing for mobile