In this course, you will learn:
- Understand the Ethereum Blockchain Platform (accounts, addresses, ether, gas, opcodes, transactions, blocks, mining, etc)
- Have a very good understanding of Solidity Contract Programming Language (syntax and concepts like state variables, storage, functions, visibility specifiers, mappings, structs, enums, etc)
- Understand concepts like Events, Function Modifiers, Contract Inheritance, Abstract Contracts & Interfaces, etc
- Design, create and deploy a fully-compliant ERC20 Token and launch an Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
- Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Lottery
- Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Auction Platform
- Understand good practices for developing Ethereum Smart Contracts and see real-world examples to comprehend what is the advantage of Blockchain Technologies.
- Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized FundRaising Platform
- Use geth and Set Up a Private Ethereum Blockchain
- Understand what is InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and how it works. Installing and Running an IPFS Node on Linux or Windows
Syllabus :
- The Ethereum Blockchain Platform
- Master The Solidity Programming Language
- Project #1 - The Lottery Smart Contract
- Project #2 - The Auction Smart Contract
- Project #3 - The CrowdFunding Smart Contract
- Project #4 - Implementing an ERC20 Token
- Project #5 - Implementing and Running an Initial Coin Offering (ICO)