Are you sending CVs and not getting any replies?
The reality is that your CV gets 10 to 15 seconds to standout. And if your CV is poorly made you will be skipped.
Even if you are qualified, even if you have the required skills and even you are the perfect candidate for the job.
How would you like be in a position of choosing the job you want rather than taking whatever job you can get?
I created this course for you if you are seeking a job, sending applications and not getting any replies.
Here's what you'll get:
- You will learn how to create a professional CV in under 60 minutes.
- You will see actual examples of CVs being reviewed and edited.
- You will learn the most common CV writing errors and how to fix them.
- And you will learn the features all great CV's share
So that you get more interviews and find your ideal job.
Join today and learn how to write a professional CV.