In this Blender course, you will learn:
- Create basic models
- How to UV map
- How to do basic texturing
1. Blender Basics
- Blender Introduction
- Setting User Preferences
- Getting Used to the Interface
- Moving in the 3D Viewport
- Object Manipulation
- Basic Shortcuts Quiz
- Grab Rotate & Scale
- Extra Tips
- Edit Mode Tools
- Edit Tools Quiz
- Vertex and Edge Manipulation
- Filling Faces
- A Treasure Chest
- Adding Edge Loops
- A Simple House
- Creating Wine Glasses
- Modifiers
- Creating a low poly spaceship.
- Spaceship solution
2. UV Mapping
- UV Unwrapping
- UV Mapping Continued
3. Texturing
- Basic Texturing
4. Cycles Rendering and Materials (Must use Blender 2.79 for this section)
- Introduction to Section
- Cycles Render Engine & HDRI Lighting
- Metal Material
- Plastic Material
- Glass Material & Input Nodes
- Addint Texture to the Principled Shader