In this course, you'll learn practical tips for improving your 3D animation and rigging workflows, as well as working smarter in Maya. George Maestri teaches how to use replacement animation to mimic stop-motion techniques, how to write scripts to speed up your rigging process, and much more. Every Thursday, a new tip will be posted.
Syllabus :
- Creating replacement animation
- Using offset parent matrices
- Scripting offset parent matrices
- Animation timeline bookmarks
- Using proximity pins
- Using UV pins
- Proximity wrapping
- The Rivet command
- Animating blinks
- Changing eye direction
- Eye direction and head turns
- Rigs for dilating pupils
- Matrices instead of constraints in rigs
- Using the Pose Editor in skinning
- Scaling rigs
- Picking up objects
- Advanced snapping for joint placement
- Bonus tools in Maya for rigging
- Setting up a ribbon rig
- Rigging a flexible arm with ribbons
- Adding deformers to a ribbon rig
- Skinning ribbon rigs
- Understanding animation layers
- Walk cycle to progressive animation
- Animating overlap quickly
- Working with HumanIK
- Rokoku motion assets
- Smoothing out creases with Delta Mush
- Controlling stretch with tension
- Using nodes instead of constraints
- Cartoon eyes using lattices
- Rigging cartoon eyes
- A pose or T pose?
- Using UVs to select vertices
- Copying skin weights
- Import/export skin weights
- Creating a head aim control
- Namespaces for characters
- Edit characters with pattern rename
- Edit animation in the Time Editor
- Change walk cycle direction with Redirect
- Interactive Skin Bind tool
- Move Skinned Joint tool
- Component tags
- Morph deformers
- Solidify deformer