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Free University of Leeds Courses online

Collection of free online courses and MOOCs offered by University of Leeds







Starting a Business 5: Managing Finances

Discover how anticipating and controlling your money may result in a profitable and sustainable business.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.6
27 reviews

4 h


Pathways to Property

Get a taste of the world of property and learn about careers in the industry with this online course.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.8
182 reviews

6 h


Major Engineering Project Performance

Manage large projects by identifying their key characteristics, examining the key factors and risks that affect their performance and exploring methods to counter their impact on the successful delivery of projects.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.6
48 reviews

21 h


A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security

Learn how to deploy and evaluate new solutions that put nutrition at the center of a sustainable food system.

(*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ (*)★★ 4.5
24 reviews

8 h


Computer Programming for Everyone - Online Course - FutureLearn

Give yourself an edge in the workplace and learn the basics of computer programming with this online programming course from the IoC and the University of Leeds.


MedTech: AI and Medical Robots Course

Explore the innovative ways AI and robotics are used in healthcare to transform lives and improve experiences of medical patients and clinicians.


10 h


Introduction to Research Ethics - Online Course

Find out the basics of research ethics so you can ensure your research projects are ethical, with this online course from the University of Leeds.


Essential Skills for Your Career Development Course - FutureLearn

Combine your talent with the professional skills that will push your career to the next level with this online course from the IoC and the University of Leeds.


Environmental Challenges: Justice in Natural Resource Management - Online Course

How do we ensure that the difficult decisions about the management of natural resources are just and fair for all?


10 h


Innovation: the Fashion Industry - Online Course

Understand how big fashion retailers innovate and discover the story behind a favourite piece of your clothing.


Medical Technology Futures - Online Program

An introduction to the MedTech field, with a special focus on medical device design and engineering.


Critical Thinking at University - Online Course

Ensure your prepared for university by improving your critical thinking skills with this online course from the University of Leeds.


Build Communication Skills at Work - Online Course - FutureLearn

Boost your collaboration skills at work this online course on effective workplace communication from the Institute of Coding and the University of Leeds.


Introduction to Intercultural Studies Program - FutureLearn

Learn about the concepts of culture, interculturality and intercultural communication with an online Intercultural Studies program of five short courses. - Program

Details about University of Leeds free courses and classes online

Looking for free online courses from university of leeds ? This is the list of free university of leeds courses and MOOCs available online. From this list, you can take any of online course teach by the faculty of the university of leeds.

university of leeds is providing free online classes and free MOOCs courses online for everyone. Select free courses based on your field of study.

Collection of free University of Leeds Courses and MOOCs online

These free university of leeds courses are collected from online MOOCs education providers such as Coursera, Edx, Udacity, YouTube and more. Find the free university of leeds courses and get free training and practical knowledge.

Get started with university of leeds courses for free and learn fast from the scratch as a beginner. Find free university of leeds classes for beginners that may include projects, practice exercises, quizzes and tests, video lectures, examples, certificate and advanced your knowledge. Some of university of leeds courses & MOOCs provide free certificate on course completion. Free certificate is depend on the course and rules by MOOCs providers Coursera, Edx, Udacity.

university of leeds courses are categorized in the free, discount offers, free trials based on their availability on their original platforms Coursera, Edx, Udacity and others Moocs providers. The university of leeds courses list is updated at regular interval to maintain latest status.

Suggest more University of Leeds Courses or online classes ?

Do you think any university of leeds class or university of leeds course need to include on this list? Please submit new university of leeds course and share your Moocs course with other community members now.