In this course, you will :
- Discover powerful techniques for releasing stagnant energies and lingering traumas from deep within you, such as the Pyramid Breath tool and a guided meditation for releasing old energy.
- You'll be led through energising hip rocking and breath exercises that will instantly transport you to a state of visceral sensuality, where your full potential for creativity, sexuality, and inner wisdom awaits.
- Forgiving yourself is a necessary step toward trusting yourself. Here, you'll be guided through a Mirror Work technique that allows you direct access to your soul, as well as the opportunity to heal any pain, self-blame, or trauma that is holding you back. As you go through this, you'll feel a profound sense of self-intimacy and connection.
- Discover how to alchemize it to enhance your power, connection, and self-love. A sensual Self-Worship dance that quickly melts away shame and self-judgment is one of the tools and techniques you'll learn here.
- Focus on movement-based self-worship techniques that allow you to savour and melt into your potent Shakti energy.
- This lesson's sole focus is an immersive Self-Love meditation that imprints breathtaking physical, emotional, and spiritual love on your entire body. As you learn to honour yourself on a whole new level, a sparkling sensation of healing, harmony, euphoria, and adoration will wash over you.
Syllabus :
- Reclaiming Your Power
- Awakening Your Sacred Power
- Harnessing Your Sacred Masculine
- Cultivating Your Sensual Power
- Amplifying Your Sensual Power
- Forgiving & Owning Yourself
- Dancing With Your Darkness
- Worshipping Your Self
- The Self-Love Meditation
- The Wild Woman Radiance Ritual