In this course, you will :
- Discover the six human hungers and simple ways to satisfy them. As a result, your cravings begin to fade like an evening sunset. Soon, you realise that the foods that used to "pull you in" no longer do.
- Learn how to make these positive changes in small, easy steps. Allowing the body to decide what it needs and making changes to accommodate it allows the natural human diet to gradually take over your lifestyle. Suddenly, you'll notice a night and day difference between what you used to eat and what you're eating now. And there is absolutely no struggle.
- Learn how to work with seasonal changes in your life, as well as how to use seasonality to deeply integrate WildFitR principles into your life.
- There will also be a tribe where you can voice your concerns and special circumstances. The goal is to provide you with all of the tools you need to deal with the unique problems that life may throw at you in the future.
- During this phase, your results will continue to improve, and your health will only improve.
Syllabus :
- Discovering What Your Body Truly Needs
- Allowing Your Natural Human Diet To Take Over
- Releasing Weight Rapidly And Keeping It Off