Here’s your chance at becoming an expert on TypeScript. Learn this brilliant amazing language and advance your skillset. Learn how to code powerful apps, using the simplest language you can find. This course has been designed specifically to help you transition from a beginner to an expert in TypeScript. All you need is to know is the basics of JavaScript, the rest you will find within this course.
In this course, you will start from the very beginning with a detailed introduction to TypeScript, it’s basic commands and how it can be integrated with JavaScript. You will learn how to set up the environment, different data types that you can use including strings, booleans, arrays, tuples, and enoms.
Last but not least, you will also get hands-on training, by actually designing a project from scratch. You will build a ToDo App in TypeScript with Webpack. This project will help you put all the theories you’ve learned throughout the course into practical application including setting up the environment, automating typescript compiling, adding todo classes with interface, static typing, block scoping with let and const, and also local storage implementation for persisting data.