In this course, you will learn :
- About configuration management, continuous integration/continuous delivery, and Infrastructure as Code.
- The command line, Visual Studio Code, GitHub, Kubernetes, and other key tools used by DevOps professionals will be covered.
- Throughout the course, you will complete various projects, with each chapter's project designed in a step-by-step manner to walk you through using the tool just as you would in your daily life.
- Learn about and comprehend the various Azure services.
- Get acquainted with Git and GitHub.
- Understand how Terraform and Ansible work.
- Learn how to set up and use Docker containers.
- Learn how to use and operate Kubernetes.
- How to implement DevOps practises in Azure.
Syllabus :
1. Azure from the Command Line with Cloud Shell
- The Azure Cloud Shell
- The Azure CLI
- Azure PowerShell
- Quiz on Azure with Cloud Shell
2. Visual Studio Code
- VS Code: An Overview and the Interface
- Command Palette and Settings
- Extensions and Snippets
- The Integrated Terminal and Workspaces
3. Azure Boards
- The Basics
- Building and Organizing a Sprint
- Quiz on Azure Boards
4. Git and GitHub
- How Git and GitHub Work Together
- Collaboration and Branching
- Merging Code and Pull Requests
- Visual Studio Code + Git/GitHub
- Collaborative GitHub Repository
- Cloning, Staging, and Committing
- Branching with VS Code
- Pushing and Merging Code to Github
5. Azure VM Availability Sets
- Azure VM Fault and Update Domains
- Availability Sets
- Creating and Testing an Availability Set with Terraform
6. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates
- Infrastructure as Code
- ARM Templates
- Deploying an Azure Virtual Machine (VM)
7. Terraform
- Input Variables (Variables)
- Referencing Variables, Modules, and State File
- Terraform Workflow
- Virtual Network Creation Using Terraform
8. Ansible
- Playbooks
- Inventory, Modules, and Variables
- Creating an Azure Container Instance (ACI)
9. Azure Load Balancers
- Introduction to Azure Load Balancers
- Port Mappings
10. Monitoring in Azure
- Monitoring Different Resources in Azure
- Monitor for VMs and Application Insights
- Monitoring Containers
11. Azure Pipelines
- Build and Testing
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD)
- Pipelines
12. Docker
- Basics of Docker
- Docker Image
13. Kubernetes
- Understanding Kubernetes
- Manifests
- Pods and Deployments
- Services and Managed Solutions