In this course, you will :
- learn about the most recent advancements in Java and JVM technology.
- gain practical experience with Scala, Groovy, and Gradle.
- You will comprehend the distinctions between various Java versions.
Syllabus :
1. Java Syntax and Conventions
- Primitives and Arrays
- Classes in Java
- Comments in Java
- Java 5
- Java 6
- Quiz: Overview of Java
2. Java 7
- Language Updates
- Fork/Join
- New IO (nio)
- JVM Benefits
- Quiz: Java 7
3. Idiomatic Java 8: Lambdas, Streams, and Dates
- What is Included in Java 8?
- Lambda Expressions
- Code: Java 8 vs. Java 7
- Defaults
- Streams
- For Each and Map/Reduce
- Parallel Array
- Peek, Limit, Sort
- Collectors and Statistics
- Grouping and Partitioning
- Comparison to Java 7
- Optional Class
- Nashorn
4. New Date and Time API
- New Classes
- Creating Date/Time Objects and Enums
- API Features
5. Java 8 Miscellaneous
- Features
- Functional Programming: Functions and Tuples
- Functional Programming: Immutability and Concurrency
- Functional Programming: Tail-Call Optimization
- Backports
6. Advantages of Java 9
- Modularity
- JShell
7. Java 10 - 17
- Local Variable Types and Lambda Expressions
- Java 12 - 17: Features
8. Java Ecosystem
- Continuous Development and Testing
- Testing and Frameworks
- What's Included?
9. Maven and JUnit
- Maven
- Starting a New Project
- JUnit
10. Utilizing Essential Libraries
- Introduction
- Logback
- Hibernate
- Guava
11. Modern Java Concurrency
- Concurrent Programming in Java
- Java Futures
- STM in Clojure and Actors
- Groovy GPars
12. RxJava
- Parallel Computing
- Schedulers and Publishers
- Hot vs. Cold
13. Other JVM Languages
- Why Use Non-Java Languages?
- Polyglot Programming and Edge-Craft
- Groovy vs. Scala
14. Groovy
- Closures and Switch Statements
- Command Chains and Modules
- Frameworks
15. Gradle
- Configuration
- Properties
16. Spock
- Mocking and Lists
17. Scala
- Primitives in Scala
- Switch Statements in Scala
- Traits and Lists
- Tuples and Maps
- For Expressions
- Blast From the Past
- The Scala Ecosystem
18. RESTful
- Groovy and Scala
19. Microservices and Clouds
- Microservices
- Clouds
20. Grails
- REST in Grails
- A History Lesson
- Testing and Some Plugins
21. Spark
- Filters and Sessions
22. Spring Boot
- Gradle Plugin
- Demo Application
- Auto-Configuration and Actuator
- Quiz 14: Spring Boot
23. Play Framework
- Features
24. Ratpack
- Layout and Handlers
- Rendering and JSON
- Binding, Blocking and Configuration
- Testing and Conclusion