The main AWS component that you’ll learn about in this course is Amazon ECS, which is the Amazon EC2 Container Service. It’s Amazon’s take on how to manage a cluster of Docker containers.
The first section of this course will concentrate on getting familiar with AWS and then performing a deep dive on Amazon ECS where you’ll learn everything there is to know about it. You’ll also get familiar with Amazon ECR which is Amazon’s private Docker registry. During this deep dive there will be plenty of guided labs to get your hands dirty.
The second section of this course will be all about Dockerizing a multi-service Ruby on Rails application, as well as profiling that application with Docker and other open source tools. If you’re not a developer or have no intentions of using Ruby on Rails that’s fine because you can skip the development section. The only thing you’ll have to do is build the Docker image, which will be as simple as running a few commands.
The third section of this course will be taking the knowledge learned from previous sections and deploying the application to production on AWS in a fault tolerant way. You’ll learn how to calculate costs for a real life project hosted on AWS and load balance the web application so you can scale out to as many hosts as you need.
Along the way you’ll learn about many other AWS resources and also learn how to hook up a domain name to a load balancer and secure it with a free SSL certificate.
- You’ll learn how to get your development environment set up to run Docker. Windows, Mac and Linux users will be able to follow along.
- You’ll learn what Amazon ECS is and how it differs from similar services.
- You’ll learn everything there is to know about Amazon ECS.
- You’ll learn how to create your own private Docker Registry with Amazon ECR.
- You’ll gain general AWS knowledge on identity and access management, security groups, EC2, S3, ELB, RDS, ElastiCache and more.
- You’ll learn how to Dockerize a Ruby on Rails web application.
- You’ll learn how to profile your applications with Docker.
- You’ll learn how to price out a project on AWS at various traffic loads.
- You’ll learn how to load balance your web application on AWS.
- You’ll learn how to wire up a custom domain to your load balanced web app.
- You’ll learn how to create and use a FREE SSL certificate.