In this course, you will learn:-
- Learn the basics of Containers based software delivery.
- Learn technologies under the hood of containers - namespaces, cgroups, union file systems.
- Setup docker environment and launch containers.
- Run and operate containers, understand port mappings etc.
- Use docker compose to launch a stack of interconnected services.
- Learn the basics of building images and write a dockerfile.
- Introduction
- Know your Instructor - Who is Gourav Shah?
- Setting up and validating docker environment
- Running your first container
- Making containers persist with -idt options
- Essential Container Operations - list, logs, exec, cp, inspect, stop, rm
- Publishing containers using port mapping
- Using docker instead of VMs to create development environments
- Portainer - Web console to managing Docker Environments
- Launching Application Stack with Docker Compose
- Building an image manually with docker commit
- Automating image builds with a Dockerfile
- Dockerfile Primer
- Just enough Docker Summary
- Special coupon to join Ultimate Docker Bootcamp