In this course, you will learn:
- How to create a completely functional backend for your website using the Model-View-Controller design paradigm.
- You will have the confidence to launch a website in less than an hour.
1. Introduction
- How This Course Will Work
- Introduction to the Back End
- Introduction to Frameworks
- Project: Installing Rails
- A Railsy Web Refresher
2. Rails Basics
- Routing
- Controllers
- Views
- Project: Blog App
- Deployment
3. Active Record Basics
- Active Record Basics
- Migrations
- Basic Validations
- Basic Associations
- Project: Micro-Reddit
4. Assets and Navigation
- The Asset Pipeline
- Importmaps
- Turbo Drive
5. Forms and Authentication
- Form Basics
- Project: Forms
- Sessions Cookies and Authentication
- Project: Members Only!
6. Advanced Forms and Active Record
- Installing PostgreSQL
- Active Record Queries
- Active Record Associations
- Project: Private Events
- Active Record Callbacks
- Advanced Forms
- Project: Flight Booker
7. APIs
- APIs and Building Your Own
- Working with External APIs
- Project: Kittens API
- Project: Flickr API
8. Rails Sprinkles
- CSS Bundling
- JS Bundling
- Turbo
- Stimulus
9. Mailers and Advanced Topics
- Mailers
- Project: Sending Confirmation Emails
- Advanced Topics
- Websockets and Actioncable
- Project: Rails Final Project