In this course, you will learn:
- Create table of contents in Citavi
- Annotate pdf documents using yellow highlights and red high lights
- Save direct quotations
- Save indirect quotations
- Save image quotations
- Export Citavi project to MS Word
- Generate in-text citation
- Generate reference list
1. Organizing Knowledge [Section I]
- Creating categories
- Organizing references by categories
- Annotating pdf documents
- Direct quotation
- Indirect quotation
- Image quotation
- Quotation from web pages
2. Organizing Knowledge [Section II]
- Compilation of quotations
- Sorting and organizing quotations
- Organizing quotations
3. Writing and Citing in MS-Word
- Writing and citing [Introduction]
- Inserting category system and Knowledge items in Word
- Saving and adding new quotation in Citavi while writing