In this course, you will learn:
- Save bibliographic information manually
- Save bibliographic information of a single pdf file
- Save bibliographic information of multiple pdf files
- Save bibliographic information using ISBN
- Search online databases from within Citavi
- Deploy Citavi's PICKER to save bibliographic information
- Edit bibliographic information
- Deploy Citavi to generate list of references
1. Searching and Saving
- Creating accounts and login
- Creating Projects
- Saving bibliographic information manually
- Saving bibliographic information of a single pdf file
- Saving bibliographic information of multiple pdf files
- Saving bibliographic information using ISBN's
- Searching catalog and databases
- Finding full text
2. Searching and saving sources with pickers
- Introducing and Installing PICKERS
- Searching sources in the library catalog
- Searching for sources in Amazon
- Saving sources from webpages
- Searching and saving sources from Google Scholar
- Searching and saving from EBSCO database with DOI
- EBSCO database without DOI using method #1
- EBSCO database without DOI using method #2
- ProQuest database with DOI
- ProQuest database without DOI using method
3. Editing Bibliographic Details
- APA citation, SBL handbook, generating bibliography
- Editing Reference Type
- Correcting author's name in all caps
- No first name, no date of publication, no place of publication
- Eliminating Duplicates
- Renaming Files
- Why edit bibliographic information
4. Generating Bibliography
Generating project bibliography