In this course, you will :
- Learn how to conduct a research project correctly and efficiently, particularly for scientific research.
- Learn how to write an effective research paper for publication in a scientific journal, an anthology, or other professional publication.
Syllabus :
1. How to Efficiently Conduct Your Research
- Defining the Research Question / Theme / Topic
- Gathering Background Information - Locate Prior Works
- Gathering Background Information - Read Key Papers
- Gathering Background Information - Organize References
- Forming a Hypothesis and an Outline
- Summarizing the Analysis / Simulation / Experiment
- Organizing and Interpreting Results
2. Understanding How a Research Paper is Written
- Preliminary Steps
- Before You Start
- Paper Structure and Function
3. How to Write Each Section of Your Paper
- Title
- Abstract
- Key Words
- Introduction - Overview
- Introduction - Organization
- Introduction - First Paragraph
- Introduction - Middle Paragraphs
- Introduction - Middle Paragraphs (continued)
- Introduction - Final Paragraph (continued), and Extra Tips
- The Methods - Examples
- The Results
- The Discussion