In this course, you will :
- The instructor guides you through this process by delving into the guiding principles of state management in React applications. Sravanti delves into various state management solutions as well as common issues that you may encounter as your React application grows in complexity.
- Throughout the course, she provides a real-world context for these concepts by demonstrating how to modify a simple book application.
- covers how to integrate React with state management systems like Redux and why alternatives to Redux, such as MobX, might be appealing.
Syllabus :
1. Existing Solutions in React
- Avoid prematurely adding state management packages
- The power of setState()
- Data fetching only using React
- Avoiding the pitfall of prop drilling
- Defining Context
- Using the Context API
- Implementing Hooks
- React Hooks: Refactoring
2. The Evolution of State Management
- The Flux wars: The beginnings of Redux
- You don't need Redux
- Redux feature
- Redux feature container
3. The Benefits of Using Redux
- Immutability out of the box
- Benefits of Redux middleware
- Where state should live in your components
- Debugging with Redux
4. React and Redux Alternatives
- MobX: The object-oriented approach to state management
- Apollo Link State: Integrating state management with GraphQL