In this coures, you will :
- focuses on the fundamental concepts, teaching them in a fun, interactive manner to help you develop your skills quickly.
Syllabus :
1. Object-Oriented Fundamentals
- Object-oriented thinking
- Objects
- Classes
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Analysis, design, and programming
- Unified modeling language (UML)
2. Requirements
- Defining requirements
- FURPS+ requirements
3. Use Cases and User Stories
- Use cases
- Identifying the actors
- Identifying the scenarios
- Diagramming use cases
- User stories
4. Domain Modeling
- Identifying the objects
- Identifying class relationships
- Identifying class responsibilities
- CRC cards
5. Class Diagrams
- Creating class diagrams: Attributes
- Creating class diagrams: Behaviors
- Converting class diagrams into code
- Instantiating classes
- Class with multiple constructors
- Static attributes and methods
6. Inheritance and Composition
- Identifying inheritance situations
- Using inheritance
- Abstract and concrete classes
- Interfaces
- Aggregation
- Composition
7. Software Development
- OOP support in different languages
- General development principles
- Software testing
- Design patterns