In this course you will learn :
- Learn to question your data and think like a data scientist. You'll use MATLAB's interactive features to extract subsets of data and compute statistics on groups of related data.
- Learn how to use MATLAB to generate code automatically so that you can learn syntax as you explore.
- Use interactive documents, also known as live scripts, to capture your analysis steps, communicate the results, and provide interactive controls that allow others to experiment by selecting groups of data.
- Expand on the knowledge gained in Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB to lay the groundwork for predictive modelling.
- Investigate special techniques for dealing with textual, audio, and image data that are common in data science and advanced modelling.
- Learn how to visualise your data, clean it up and organise it for analysis, and identify the characteristics required to answer your questions.
- be able to visualise data distribution and use visual inspection to address artefacts that interfere with accurate modelling
- MATLAB can be used to determine the best machine learning model for obtaining answers from your data.
- Preparing your data, training a predictive model, evaluating and improving your model, and understanding how to get the most out of your models are all steps in the process.
Syllabus :
- Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB
- Data Processing and Feature Engineering with MATLAB
- Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning with MATLAB
- Data Science Project: MATLAB for the Real World