In this course, you will :
- Qubits
- Quantum States
- Superposition
- Entanglement
- Quantum Gates
- NISQ Algorithms
- Cryptography
- Teleportation
- Superdense Coding
- Quantum Chemistry
- Grover Search
- Shor’s Algorithm
Syllabus :
1. Information
- Information and Bits
- Qubit Playground
- Gates Galore
- Superpositions
- The Bloch Sphere
- A Universal Gate Set
- Entanglement
- Qubits with Q#
- Unitary Transformations (Optional)
2. Circuits
- Entanglement Circuit
- Quantum Cryptography
- Quantum Communication
- Superdense Coding
- Quantum Teleportation
- Superdense Coding with Q#
3. Foundational Algorithms
- Problem Complexity
- Quantum Parallelism
- The Problem with Oracles
- Bigger Problems
- The Promised Bits
- Counterfeit Coins Redux
- Oracles with Q#
4. Near-Term Algorithms
- Inspired by Nature
- Spin Systems
- Modeling Quantum Spins with Q#
- Simulating Magnets with Q#
- The Knapsack Problem
- Packing a Knapsack with Q#
- The Hydrogen Molecule with Q#