In this course, you will :
- Explore graphs of equations, exponents, counting problems, and other topics, with an emphasis on intuition and understanding rather than just finding an answer.
- Understanding of basic algebra while also introducing you to some unexpectedly useful applications of this powerful mathematical tool.
- You'll have improved your problem-solving abilities and will be more aware of the common misunderstandings that can occur in algebra problems. You'll have a solid foundation for our Algebra II course.
Syllabus :
1. Equations and Unknowns
- Combination Locks
- Equations and Variables
- Scaling and Adding Equations
- Graphing Equations
2. Manipulating Exponents
- Orders of Magnitude
- Same Bases
- Negative Exponents
3. Algebra in Motion
- Distance, Rate, and Time
- Stunt Driving and Collisions
- The Harmonic Average
- Boats
4. Factorials
- Counting and Factorials
- Factorials
- Operations and Simplification
- Permutations
5. Common Misconceptions
- The Basics
- Ordering and Reordering
- Two Kinds of Cancel
- The Distributive Property