In this course, you will learn:-
- Using Git, you can keep track of and revise your code
- Upload (push) code to GitHub
- Save yourself, your organization, or your clients hours of wasted time and aggravation by backing up and tracking your code before attempting to rebuild
Local Installation
Git Init
Git Add
Git Commit
Your first commit - Review
Section 2 - Practice Exercises
Section 2 - Practice Exercise Solutions
Section 2 Quiz
Adding all files of the same file type
Adding all files and folders (including hidden)
Removing files from the staging area
Ignoring Files and Folders
Section 3 - Practice Exercises
Section 3 - Practice Exercise Solutions
Listing all branches
Adding a branch
Checking out a branch
Merging branches together
Removing a branch
Branches - Review
Section 4 - Practice Exercises
Section 4 - Practice Exercise Solutions
Section 4 Quiz
Checking out commits
Section 5 - Practice Exercises
Section 5 - Exercise Solutions
Connecting to GitHub
Adding a remote and pushing to origin