In this course, you will learn:
- Text styles, table and cell styles, object styles, and other features in InDesign that are improved by the use of styles.
- Character and paragraph styles, and advanced text formatting with nested styles.
- How to create multilevel lists, generate a table of contents, and map Word styles to InDesign styles.
- How to apply styles with Find/Change and apply conditions.
- Paragraph styles and character styles
- Create, apply, and redefine paragraph styles
- Create, apply, and redefine character styles
- Create based-on styles
- Deleting and replace styles
2. Managing Styles
- The [Basic Paragraph] style
- Imported styles
- Break the line to a style
- Manage overrides
- Share and reuse styles
- Create a default set of paragraph and character styles
- Add a keyboard shortcut
- Use Quick Apply to apply styles
- Use the Eyedropper to apply styles
- Styles housekeeping
3. Advanced Text Styles
- Create a drop cap style
- Add a nested style
- Add a nested style at the end of a paragraph
- Add multiple nested styles
- Repeat nested styles
- Nested line styles
- Automate formatting with GREP styles
- Create style sequences and style loops
- Controlling text flow with styles
- Organize content with paragraph rules and paragraph shading
4. Lists
- Bullet lists
- Numbered lists
- Right align numbers in lists
- Number across stories
- Multilevel hierarchical lists
- Considerations for working with lists
5. Object Styles
- Create, apply, and redefining object styles
- Anchored object styles
- Some common uses for object styles
- Create a default object style
6. Table and Cell Styles
- What table and cell styles can and can’t do
- Create, apply, and modify tables styles
7. Other Uses of Styles
- Map Word styles to InDesign styles
- Apply styles with Find/Change
- Apply conditions to styles
- Synchronize styles across documents with the Book feature
- Generate a table of contents with styles
- Generate automatic captions
- Create stroke styles