In this course, you will :
- With Android Jetpack Compose, you can learn about Clean Architecture and MVVM Patterns.
- Learn how to use Jetpack to compose and build modern Android apps.
- Create 7 Android Apps Using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin - Use Firebase Firestore as the Backend.
- Learn how to use Jetpack Tools and Compose to master modern Android development best practises.
- Use Hilt and Dagger to incorporate Dependency Injection into a Jetpack Compose Android App.
- Jetpack Compose - a Declarative approach for building moder Android Apps - allows you to create beautiful native UIs from scratch.
- Integrate a Compose Application with an Android ROOM Database.
Syllabus :
- WINDOWS Machine Setup for Development
- MAC Machine Setup for Development
- [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App
- Kotlin Programming Language Fundamentals - Variable Types
- Kotlin Fundamentals - Loops and Branching
- Kotlin Fundamentals - Functions
- Kotlin Fundamentals - Collections
- Kotlin - Intermediate Object Oriented Programming Concepts
- Kotlin - Advanced Concepts
- [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals
- [Optional] Android Real Device Setup
- [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App
- [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn
- [Jetpack Compose] - Movie App - Improvements
- [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App
- [Jetpack Compose] - Note App Improvements - ROOM and Dependency Injection - Hilt
- [Jetpack Compose] JetTrivia App - Parsing JSON: Retrofit and Clean Architecture
- [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Weather Forecast App
- [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - Navigation and Login
- [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App: Firebase Firestore - Login & Auth
- [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Home Screen
- [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen
- [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App: The Details Screen & Saving Books
- [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App: Update and Delete Books
- [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App: Reading and Book list Categories