In this course, you will :
- Using NodeJS, you can create high-performance, scalable applications.
- Discover ES6 with my free eBook, ECMAScript 6 QuickBytes.
- Create a Web Server with NodeJS Streams.
- To manage dependencies, use the Node Package Manager (NPM).
- To create NodeJS apps, use the Express 4 Framework.
- Use the templating language EJS.
- Recognize MongoDB as a NoSQL database.
- Create and use MongoDB databases with services such as MongoLab.
- Create Web Socket-based Realtime Apps.
- Using NodeJS, upload and resize images.
- Integrate authentication through social media platforms such as Facebook.
- Divide the NodeJS app into modules.
- Create and deploy Amazon Web Services EC2 Cloud Server Instances.
- With NodeJS, you can create and use Amazon's S3 storage service.
- Make use of Amazon Cloudfront.
- Using Amazon's Elastic IP service.
- Configure Amazon EC2 Security Groups, Ports, and Forwarding.
- Install a NodeJS application on the EC2 instance.
- Deploy a NodeJS application on Heroku.
- Create a NodeJS app and deploy it to Digital Ocean.
- Install and configure NGINX as a reverse proxy server for NodeJS applications.
- Set up NGINX as a load balancer.
- Discover more about Enterprise Integration.
- Create an app with the fantastic Hapi framework.
- Find out more about logging with the Hapi framework.
- Discover how to use ES6 with Nodejs.
- Install and configure Apache Apollo MQ using Nodejs and a Python script.
Syllabus :
- Prologue
- Installing NodeJS
- NodeJS Fundamentals
- MongoDB 101
- NodeJS Frameworks
- ChatCAT - Creating a Realtime Multiroom Chat App & Deploying it on Heroku
- Node.JS on Amazon Web Services !
- NodeJS and NGINX for the Kill !
- Enterprise Integration | ES6 | HapiJS
- Epilogue