In this course, you will learn :
- Holistic Herbalism refers to a "whole-istic" approach to herbs and their applications.
- Concerning sacred Earth Festivals.
- Herbs and astrology are discussed.
- Follow the evolution of herbal medicine from 70,000 years ago to the present.
- Concerning herb consciousness and herb emotions - and yes, herbs do have emotions.
- About herbal lore and its current relevance.
- Have a detailed Holistic Herbal guide to over 30 commonly used herbs.
- It's fascinating to learn about sacred geometry and plants, such as Phi, the Fibonnaci Sequence, and the Golden Ratio.
Syllabus ;
- Earth Festivals of the Sacred Earth Year
- The Holistic Herbalist and Astrology
- The Holistic Herbalist, Plants and Sacred Geometry
- Section 5. The Holistic Herbalist and the Consciousness of Plants
- The Holistic Herbalist and the Emotions of Plants
- Holistic Herbals - Materia Medica