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Free Scrimba Courses online

List of free Scrimba courses and certificaions to take online in 2024.


Learn Firebase

A deep dive into Google's Firebase, a cloud service that allows you to create powerful apps using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with no backend. This course covers authentication, Cloud Firestore, and Security Rules.


Learn OpenAI's Assistants API

Learn how to effortlessly create sophisticated AI apps with knowledge retrieval and agent capabilities using OpenAI's brand new Assistants API.


Learn React Router v6 interactive tutorial

Learn about React Router v6, the most popular routing library for React apps and one of the most downloaded React support libraries ever.


10 h


Get an intro to AI Engineering interactively

A crash course in creating web apps driven by generative AI.


1 h 3 m


Learn Typescript tutorial - 3-hour interactive tutorial

A hands-on course that teaches you the fundamentals of TypeScript while you create a real-world couchsurfing application.


React Tutorial: Learn React JS - Free 11-Hour Course

The ultimate React 101 is the ideal starting point for any React newbie. Learn the fundamentals of modern React by completing 140+ interactive coding tasks and creating eight enjoyable projects.


13 h


Learn Accessible Web Design: HTML

Learn to develop accessible HTML by completing interactive coding tasks and repairing a real-world website.


1 h 36 m


Learn AI Agents

Learn how to build LLM-powered agents that can do multi-step reasoning and interact with its environment via functions and APIs.


1 h 57 m


Learn Embeddings and Vector Databases

Implementing Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) with embeddings and a vector database can help increase the accuracy and reliability of LLM-based programs.


1 h 34 m


The AI Engineer Path

Learn how to build apps powered by generative AI - an essential 2024 skill for product teams at startups, agencies, and large corporations.