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Free Openhpi Courses online

List of free Openhpi courses and certificaions to take online in 2025.


Quantum Machine Learning

This course is for students, specialists, and fans of quantum computing and machine learning. Prior knowledge of quantum computing or quantum information is highly recommended.


Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis

Learn how to utilize the R package brms (a front-end for the probabilistic programming language Stan). The focus will be on regression modeling, with a brief introduction to hierarchical models (also known as mixed or multilevel models).


Data Science Bootcamp

The bootcamp's ultimate purpose is to nurture strong data science abilities, with a focus on machine learning techniques, in order to meet and exceed the demands of the data science industry. Throughout the process, we will establish good habits for working independently as data scientists and as members of productive data science teams.


Selection and Implementation of AI Models: Speech2Summary

The inaugural KISZ workshop on "Pre-trained AI Models: The speech-to-summary example" is scheduled for July 11, 2023. The workshop's content will be produced in the Background Talk format, which is open to all interested parties.


Understanding Embeddings for Natural Language Processing

Gain a knowledge of how number representations change language! In this online course, you'll learn about text embeddings, including tokenization, historical models, recent methodologies, and practical applications.