In this course, you will learn :
How to use VIM for text editing and programming
How to manage multiple files in VIM
How to use VIM with TMUX to improve your ability to multitask
The basics of opening, saving, editing, and exiting a file.
Common text operations like finding and replacing text.
Working in the different modes of VIM.
Working with and managing multiple windows in VIM.
Working with multiple tabs in VIM.
And mixing VIM with TMUX for multitasking.
Syllabus :
1. VIM Setup
- VIM setup on Unix
- VIM setup on Mac
- VIM setup on Windows
- Screenkey
- Getting Help in VIM and vimtutor
2. Vanilla VIM
- Launching VIM and Creating, editing, saving, and exiting your first file!
- Basic configuration: Theme and line numbers, syntax no and .vimrc
- Understanding the Modes of VIM
- h,j,k,l instead of the arrowkeys -- and the greater VIM philosophy!
- Visual Mode
- undo, redo, and changes
- Visual Mode - Cutting, yanking, and Pasting Text
- Deleting text
- Line Navigation
- Screen Navigation
- Navigation in Code
- Searching and replacing text
- Repeat with dot
3. VIM Exercises
- [Challenge 1] Basic Navigation and Editing
- [Challenge 1] Solution Walk through
- Vim Basics Badge Achieved!
4. TMUX and working with multiple VIM windows
- TMUX Basics
- Splitting VIM Windows
- Working with Tabs in VIM
5. Programmer Tools