In this course, you will learn :
- Learn the essentials of VIM without spending hours on material you'll probably never use again.
- You should be able to read and edit files with ease.
- Possess the ability to write code in Vim.
- How to compare two files side by side with Vimdiff.
- If you've used Vim before but want to brush up on your skills, this is the place to go. If you're looking for a unique
Syllabus :
- Overview
- What is Vim?
- Install VIM
- Vim Modes
- Vim Cheatsheet
- Background and Introduction Quiz
- Vim Help/Opening Files
- Save and Close a File
- Move around in Vim
- Line Numbers
- Navigating Practice
- Navigating Vim Quiz
- Navigating Exercise
- Insert Mode & Basic Editing
- Multiple/Combination Commands
- Visual Mode
- Editing Practice
- Editing in Vim Quiz
- Editing Exercise
- Undo/Redo, Set Paste, Repeat Last Change
- Searching and Search & Replace
- Vimdiff
- Build Efficiency Practice
- Build Efficiency Quiz
- Build Efficiency Exercise
- Conclusion and Thank You
- Comprehensive Vim Quiz
- Comprehensive Exercise
- Comprehensive Exercise Solution