In this course, you will learn:-
- Django Essentials & Django 1.10
- Create a URL shortening service that works similarly to (as of 10-22-2016)
- Models, Managers, and Save Methods in Django
- Creating a Random Shortcode Generator
- Putting a live project online (on
- Integration with the Bootstrap framework
- Inheritance of a template
- Django-hosts is a Python package that allows you to host Django (for controlling subdomains)
- Create a domain name for your hosting account
- Walkthrough
- Setup System
- Virtualenv & Django
- Start Django Project
- Github
- Video Quality & Speed
- What we're going to build -- A URL Shortener
- Startapp Shortener
- Models
- Make Changes to Models
- Handling Migration Failures
- Saving in the Python Shell
- Override the Save Method
- Dynamic Shortcode Generator
- Model Manager & Refresh Shortcodes
- Custom Django Management Commands
- CB Views, FB Views, and URLs
- Using Parameters from Django Settings
- URL Keyword Arguments
- Query the Database with the Shortcode
- HttpRepsonse Redirect & URL Ordering
- Locally Testing a Domain Name
- Using Django-Hosts for Subdomain Handling
- Home View & In App Templates
- HTML Forms
- Django Forms
- Form Validation & Custom Validators
- Rending New Templates and Context
- Reverse and Short URL
- Analytics App
- Integrate Bootstrap
- Heroku