In this course, you will :
- Learn and practise the most commonly used Excel Formulas and Features.
- Understand how to use Drop Lists in your worksheets.
- Find a more effective replacement for Excel's lookup Formulas.
- Improve your overall Excel skills by learning and practising the Formulas in this course.
Syllabus :
1. Top Formulas in Excel
- Proper Formula
- Trim Formula
- Basic Formulas
- And Or Formulas
- If & NestedIF Formulas
- Sumif(s) Formulas
- Count Formula and its derivatives
- Data Validation Feature
- Lookup Formulas
- Index Formula
- Match Formula
- Index Match Formula
- Value Formula
- Iferror Formula
- Substitute Formula
- Left Mid Right Formulas
- Find & Search Formulas
- Transpose Table Feature
- Conditional Formatting Feature
- Filter Feature
- Practice Practice Practice