In this course, you will learn:
- How to protect your assets, people, and valuation from risks introduced by globalization and emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles.
- How climate change and extreme weather can hurt businesses, explore the issues introduced by cryptocurrency, learn how insurance may change in the future and why it's important to business leaders, and more.
- Introduction
- Risk strategy increases the opportunity
1. Define Risk Strategy Perils
- Identifying current and future perils
- Direct physical loss consequences
- Indirect loss consequences
2. Cyber and Technology Risks
- Artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace
- Challenge: Artificial intelligence
- Solution: AI risk solution
- Autonomous vehicles
- Intellectual property
- Identity theft for employees and stakeholders
- Brand risk: Social media
- Content risks: Podcasts and blogs
3. Risk Management Globalization
- Foreign attacks on your business
- Workers' compensation insurance
- Cryptocurrency
- Culture shock
- Leadership in a global economy
- The changing weather and your business
- Lost in translation
4. Risk Financing
- Insurance response in present
- Insurance response in future
- Life insurance and organizational wealth
- Crystal ball changes