In this course, you will learn :
- Unit and integration testing with tools like Jest and Enzyme.
- Also learn about other tools that make coding and testing easier, such as ESlint, Prettier, Babel, Webpack, and Travis CI.
Syllabus :
1. Test-Driven Development with Jest
- Why Test-Driven Development and Jest
- Node and npm
- Running Jest with npx and npm
- Your First Test
- Why Use Test-Driven Development
- Running Tests Automatically and Code Coverage
- Git with Test-Driven Development
- Mantra
2. Integrated Tooling with VS Code
- Editing Shortcuts and Source Control
- User Settings on VS Code
- ESLint to Check Code Quality
- ESLint Integration with VS Code
- Prettier to Beautify Your Code
- Prettier Integration with VS Code
- Wallaby with VS Code
- Mantra
3. Testing React with Enzyme
- React, Babel and JSX
- Babel with Jest, ESLint, Prettier, and Wallaby
- Component Testing with Enzyme
- Working With and Testing Using Component's Props
- Jest Setup
- Testing with Children DOM Elements
- Testing Stateful Components
- Manipulating State of Stateful Component in Tests
- Mantra
4. Styling in JavaScript with Styled-Components
- Webpack
- Webpack Configuration and Server
- Styled Components
- Create Styled Components
- Babel Plugin and StyleLint
- Test Styled Components
- Making Style Assertions for Styled Components Testing
- Jest Snapshot
- Mantra
5. Refactoring with Higher-Order Components
- Higher-Order Components
- Creating Higher-Order Component
- Testing Higher-Order Components
- The Controllable Pattern
- Multiple Higher-Order Components
- Mantra
6. Continuous Integration and Collaboration
- Github and Travis CI
- Travis CI Configuration
- Git Hooks with Husky
- Adding Docs with Storybook
- Add-ons in Storybook
- Mantra