In this course, you will :
- Create an embedded Linux system that will run in Qemu.
- Create various types of embedded Linux systems for the Raspberry Pi.
- Set up Netbeans on the Raspberry Pi for remote development.
- Configure Qt Creator on the Raspberry Pi for remote development.
Syllabus :
1. Creating a customised embedded Linux using Yocto
- Preparing the Host Computer
- Running the Test Image
- Building the Basic Console Image for the Raspberry Pi
- Building the Qt5 Basic Image
- Running the Qt5 Basic Image
2. Working with our own embedded Linux
- Adding a new user
- Working with Netbeans from Remote
- Working with Qt Creator from Remote
- Hello World! with Qt Creator
3. Create an image for hardware projects
- Adding wiringPi to an image
- Blinking LED program written in C