In this course, you will learn
1. Outline the composition of the Arduino development board
2. Describe what it means to program the board's firmware
3. Read board schematics
4. Install Arduino IDE
5. Describe what "shields" are and how they are used
6. Specify the role of libraries in the use of shields
7. Compile and run a program
8. Name C Variables and Types
9. Name common C operators
10. Use conditionals and loops
11. Explain functions, their definition and invocation
12. Explain the implications of global variables
13. Undertake the Arduino build process
14. Describe the role of the tools behind the IDE
15. Describe how to invoke functions in classes
16. Explain the structure of an Arduino sketch
17. Access the pins of the Arduino
18. Differentiate between digital and analog pin
19. Debug embedded software
20. Explain the importance of controllability and observability in the debugging process
21. Describe common debugging architectures for embedded systems
22. Explain how the UART Serial communication protocol works
23. Describe how the Arduino Serial library performs serial communication Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from add-on devices such as sensors, and can control the world around it by adjusting lights, motors, and other actuators.