In this course, you will :
- Learn how to use common data science functions to save time and improve your code.
- Investigate fundamental built-in Python functions for data science, as well as more advanced built-in functions such as Python's filter function.
- Learn how to manipulate numerical data and perform statistical operations using functions from the NumPy and SciPy libraries.
- Learn how to use the pandas library's functions to efficiently store, modify, and group data.
Syllabus :
1. Fundamental Built-In Python Functions for Data Science
- Python print() function
- Python input() function
- Python abs() function
- Python round() function
- Python min() function
- Python max() function
- Python sorted() function
- Python sum() function
- Python len() function
- Python type() function
2. Advanced Built-In Python Functions for Data Science
- Python map() function
- Python zip() function
- Python filter() function
3. Functions from NumPy Library for Manipulation of Numerical Data
- Create NumPy arrays in Python
- Minimum and maximum values in NumPy arrays
- Indices of min and max values in NumPy arrays
- Find shapes of NumPy arrays and reshape
- Select items or groups of items from NumPy arrays
- Arithmetic operations on NumPy arrays
- Scalar operations on NumPy arrays
- Statistical operations on NumPy arrays
- Other operations on NumPy arrays
4. Functions from SciPy Library for Scientific Computing
- Linear algebra operations with SciPy
- Statistical functions with SciPy
5. Functions from pandas Library for Data Manipulation and Data Analysis
- Create a pandas series
- Create a pandas DataFrame
- Select data subsets from pandas objects
- Modify pandas objects
- Combine data from pandas objects
- Group data from pandas objects
6. Functions from Matplotlib for Data Visualization
- Matplotlib line plots
- Matplotlib scatter plots
- Matplotlib bar plots
- Matplotlib pie charts
- Matplotlib histograms
- Matplotlib subplots
7. Functions from Seaborn for Data Visualization
- Seaborn box plots
- Seaborn kernel density estimate plots
- Seaborn violin plots
- Seaborn heatmaps