In this course, you will :
Connect Microsoft Power BI to data sources
Create Barcharts
Create Treemaps
Create Donut Charts
Create Waterfall Diagrams
Create Piecharts
Syllabus :
1. Your First Bar Chart
- The business Challenge - Who Gets The Annual Bonus?
- Connecting Power BI to a Data File - CSV File
- Updates on Udemy Reviews
- Navigating Power BI
- Drilling down and up in hierarchies
- Advanced drilling in hierarchies
- Adding Colours
- Adding A Calculated Column
- Adding Labels and Formatting
2. Timeseries, Aggregation, and Filters
- Downloading and connecting to the dataset
- Working with timeseries
- Understanding aggregation and granularity
- Creating an area chart & learning about highlighting
- Filters and Slicers in Power BI
3. Maps, Scatterplots and Interactive BI Reports
- Joining data in Power BI
- Understanding how LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, and OUTER joins work
- Joins with duplicate values
- Joining on multiple fields
- Creating a map, working with hierarchies, lats and lons
- Power BI: Calculated Columns vs Calculated Measures
- Creating a scatter plot
- Combining charts, filters and slicers
- Adding a Donut Chart
4. Creating an Interactive Business Intelligence Report
- Downloading the dataset and connecting Power BI
- Mapping: How To Set Geographical Roles
- Creating Table Calculations for Gender
- Creating Bins and Distributions for Age
- Creating Bins and Distributions for Balance
- How to create a Treemap chart
- Creating a Customer Segmentation Dashboard
- Controlling Report Interactivity
- Analyzing the Customer Segmentation Dashboard
5. Leveraging Custom Visuals
- The Challenge: Visualizing the European Debt Crisis
- Installing a Custom Visual for Power BI
- Mechanics of a Chord Chart
- Setting up the second Chord Chart
- Adding Treemaps
- Exploring the visualization