In this course, you will learn :
- Node.js is a powerful tool for controlling servers, building web applications, and creating event-driven programs
- The essentials of Node.js and start creating your own JavaScript applications.
- How to install Node.js and work with the Node.js core, which includes standard input, standard output, the module system, the file system, and how to write and run JavaScript on the server. Upon wrapping up this course, you’ll be equipped with fundamental Node.js concepts and techniques that you can put to use in your next project.
- Introduction
- Learn the Node.js fundamentals
- What you should know
1. What Is Node.js?
- Node.js history
- How Node.js works
2. Set Up Your Environment
- Using VS Code
- Install Node.js
3. Node Globals
- The global object
- The require function
- Argument variables with the process.argv
- Standard output
- Standard input
- Creating a delay with setTimeout
- Incorporate setInterval
- Report progress with set Interval
4. Node Modules
- Core modules
- Collect information with readline
- Use readline functions
- Create a module
- with the EventEmitter
- Improve a module with EventEmitter
- List directory files
- Read files
- Write and append files
- Directory creation
- Append files
- Rename and remove files
- Rename and remove directories
5. Files and Streams
- Readable file streams
- Writable file streams
- Create child process with exec
- Create child process with spawn